Gut and Psychology Syndrome + Gut and Physiology Syndrome (GAPS)
Natural treatment for autoimmune disease, asthma, eczema, allergies, fatigue, arthritis, chronic infections, neurological and endocrine disorders, digestive disorders, learning disabilities, mental illness, epilepsy and eating disorders.
GAPS OnCon 2025
Metabolic Syndrome Demystified: Discover How the GAPS Nutritional Protocol Addresses this Condition
Date: February 28th – March 2nd, 2025
• 3 Days • 8 Keynote Sessions • 6 Featured Bonus Sessions • GAPS Fundamentals Sessions • GAPS Science Foundation (GSF) GAPS-a-thon • Essential Replay Sunday Track • “Just for Kids” GYM Track • Enter Contests & Win Prizes
Welcome! Dr. Natasha and the GAPS Team are delighted to invite you to our 5th annual online conference. GAPS continues to flourish, and we are excited to host this virtual event to nurture and expand our worldwide community and to encourage attendees to learn more about the GAPS way of life. Each year, we embark on a new GAPS adventure, selecting a fresh and unique theme and lecture topics to delve into and enrich the collective knowledge within the GAPS community. For OnCon 2025, we’ve set our sights on the invaluable subject of metabolic health.
Metabolic syndrome is not only a precursor to heart disease, hypertension, obesity, stroke, insulin resistance, and diabetes but also contributes to a range of other serious health issues. Individuals with metabolic syndrome often experience chronic systemic inflammation, which can exacerbate conditions like arthritis, autoimmune disorders, fatty liver disease, certain cancers, sleep apnea, and more all resulting in decreased quality of life. By addressing the root causes of metabolic syndrome through GAPS , anyone can significantly improve their overall health and well-being!
GAP Szindróma megértéséhez olvassa el Dr. Campbell-McBride következő rövid cikkét.