Any use of the letters GAPS on this website are used solely as an acronym for Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Gut and Psychology Syndrome + Gut and Physiology Syndrome (GAPS)
Natural treatment for autoimmune disease, asthma, eczema, allergies, fatigue, arthritis, chronic infections, neurological and endocrine disorders, digestive disorders, learning disabilities, mental illness, epilepsy and eating disorders.

3rd ANNUAL GAPS OnCon 2024
Raising Children the GAPS Way: Helping Your Child to be Healthy at Every Stage of Life!

Date: Thursday, February 15th – Sunday, February 18th, 2024

• 4 Days • 12 Keynote Sessions • 7 Featured Bonus Sessions • Essential Replay Sunday Track • “Just for Kids” GYM Track • Enter Contests & Win Prizes

Dr. Natasha and the GAPS Team are delighted to invite the whole family to our 4th annual online conference. GAPS is flourishing and we are excited to host this virtual event to nurture and expand our worldwide community and to encourage parents and their children to learn more about the GAPS way of life. Each year, we embark on a new GAPS adventure, selecting a fresh and unique theme and lecture topics to delve into and enrich the collective knowledge within the GAPS community. For OnCon 2024, we’ve set our sights on the invaluable subject of children’s health.

Children, the guardians of our future, undergo astonishingly rapid growth. It’s awe-inspiring to witness their swift maturation. Unfortunately, the state of children’s health in the Western world degenerates with each passing year. Our keynote and featured bonus speakers are eager to not only shed light on the reasons behind this health crisis but also to share actionable solutions. Together, we will unravel the intricate web of factors contributing to this issue and chart a path to help parents nurture healthy, vibrant, and energetic young bodies and minds! Our aim is to cultivate a brighter future that these children will soon hold in their capable hands, benefiting all humanity. As an OnCon attendee, you will have 9 full months of access to our event portal (3 months pre and 6 months post-event). During this time you will have abundant opportunities to interact with our esteemed speakers and worldwide GAPS community members, engage with sponsors in their virtual booths, and participate in our 4-week pre-GAPS OnCon Family Challenge through our interactive web portal and/or mobile app. You’ll also have access to our “GAPS Youth Movement” track with fun and engaging sessions just for young people.

Whether you are taking your first steps into the world of GAPS, or you’ve been on the path for quite some time, the information presented at GAPS OnCon 2024 will provide families like yours with comprehensive resources, practical recommendations, community support, fresh ideas and perspectives, troubleshooting tips, and simple ways to integrate elements of GAPS into your family’s lifestyle at your own pace regardless of your level of experience. We hope your entire family will join us at GAPS OnCon 2024!

Register here:

Welcome to the GAPS website of Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride!

Gut And Psychology Syndrome + Gut And Physiology Syndrome

The concept of GAPS establishes a connection between the state of the person's digestive system and the health of the rest of the body.

"All diseases begin in the gut!"
(Hippocrates, 460-370 BC).

Our digestive system holds the roots of our health. GAPS conditions stem from the unhealthy gut.

The list of GAPS conditions is long, that is why Dr N Campbell- McBride has divided them into two groups:

1. Gut And Psychology Syndrome

Gut And Psychology Syndrome or GAPS includes learning disabilities and mental illnesses, such as autism, ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, addictions, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy, eating disorders and many other conditions, which affect the function of the brain. Many of these conditions have no established diagnostic labels and present themselves as a mixture of various symptoms: mood alterations, memory and cognitive problems, behavioural and social problems, panic attacks, anxiety, involuntary movements, tics and fits, sensory problems, etc. When the brain is in trouble it can produce any mixture of symptoms. Gut And Psychology Syndrome addresses the root of all of these symptoms and diseases.
2. Gut And Physiology Syndrome

Gut And Physiology Syndrome or GAPS includes chronic physical conditions, which stem from an unhealthy gut, such as all autoimmune conditions (celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type one, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, osteoarthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, autoimmune skin problems, Hashimoto disease and other hormonal problems, etc.), asthma, eczema, various allergies, food allergy and intolerance, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis, multiple chemical sensitivity, arthritis, menstrual problems, many endocrine disorders (thyroid, adrenal and other), chronic infections, many neurological diseases and all chronic digestive disorders (such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, colitis, oesophagitis, etc). Many conditions do not fit into any diagnostic box and can present as a mixture of symptoms: digestive problems, fatigue, muscular weakness, cramps and abnormal muscle tone, pains and aches in joints and muscles, skin problems, hormonal abnormalities, neurological problems, allergies, etc.

In every person the symptoms from both GAP Syndromes overlap: people with mental problems suffer physical symptoms (painful joints and muscles, fatigue, skin problems, allergies, asthma, hormonal problems, autoimmunity), while people with physical conditions have mental symptoms (such as depression, ‘brain fog’, inability to concentrate, mood swings, sleep abnormalities, memory problems, anxiety, panic attacks, tremors, tics, fits, etc.). When the digestive system is unwell, so instead of being a source of nourishment it becomes a major source of toxicity in the body, nothing in the body can function well. Any organ, any system, any cell can show symptoms of distress.

GAPS Nutritional Protocol is the baseline treatment for all these conditions and symptoms. This protocol has been designed to heal your gut, to make the very roots of your health robust and functioning the way they are supposed to function. It will lay a solid foundation for your full recovery, no matter how far away from the gut your disease may have manifested.

Human body is a wonderful creation: it has full ability to heal and maintain itself programmed into it! You must allow your body to use this divine programme. Healing begins from understanding what is going on in your body. No matter how chronic and severe your health problem may be, you must know why you are developing it and where it came from. Without this knowledge fear takes hold, and fear can only destroy. The GAPS books will give you understanding of where your chronic disease came from and how to find your way back to good health!


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